Frequently Asked Questions


Am I an accredited investor? 

You are sophisticated investor if at least one of the following applies:

  • You are a member of a network or syndicate of business angels and have been so for at least the last six months prior to the date of investment

  • You have made more than one investment in an unlisted company in the two years prior to the date of investment

  • You are working, or have worked in the two years prior to the date of investment, in a professional capacity in the private equity sector, or in the provision of finance for small and medium enterprises;

  • You are currently, or have been in the two years prior to the date of investment, a director of a company with an annual turnover of at least £1 million.

Do I have to be an Sophisticated Investor to invest? 

Yes. Our investments are only  available to Sophisticated Investors

How does the 65/35 split work? 

This is very very important. Once we hit a 6% return to the investor, including ourselves as investors, everything that we  deliver above that 6% either in form of cash flow, distribution, refinancing, or at sale will be distributed £0.65 on every £pound to you, £0.35 goes to the partnership

How much money does Lucava put in to each deal? 

Up to 40% of purchase price on acquisition of each asset, diluting to between 5-10% with investor contribution

When should you expect your first distribution? 

3 months after your investment contribution

What is the difference between this and a REIT? 

Everything! A REIT is just a piece of paper. Investment with Lucava is directly in the property itself where you get all the benefits and tax benefits of property investment.

How long is the term?

Typically 7 years, once investor equity is doubled through smart asset management and market forces

What are the risks?

Put simply, the property goes down in value. Because we buy right at the right time and invest in the medium term these risks are small. All our investments to date have increased in value more than the market average.